Maggot Heart
This Shadow
Pubblicato il 12/08/2023 da Lorenzo Becciani

Su Vision è disponibile il nuovo videoclip del progetto svedese:



"This song is both melancholic and euphoric, sometimes you don't know if you're feeling one or the other," spiega Linnéa Olsson. "I actually had Courtney Love in mind, as in I wanted to write a chorus, she would be proud of! Maybe someone can play it to her and let us know? Either way, I think it's kind of an undeniable song, very simple on the surface but quite complex underneath. The video was created by the absolute visionary Tekla Vali during some early hours in Helsinki. Tekla is really skilled in creating a unique world where her visual language speaks in tongues. And she made us look pretty cool, too."



Maggot Heart
From Svezia

Dusk To Dusk - 2018
Mercy Machine - 2020
Hunger - 2023