Novelists Fr
Turn It Up
Pubblicato il 12/09/2023 da Lorenzo Becciani

Il nuovo video è molto importante per i francesi, perché grazie a Camille Contreras hanno potuto ritrovare la strada perduta:


Queste le loro parole:

"Camille was the unexpected lifeline we desperately needed. Her talent and energy revived Novelists at a time when we were at our lowest. It's unbelievable how the right person crossed our path when we needed it most. We are thrilled to introduce the new and definitive iteration of Novelists and are immensely proud of the music we've crafted together, representing the very best of our journey."


From Francia

Souvenirs (2015)
Noir (2017)
C'est La Vie (2020)
Déjà Vu (2022)