Being As An Ocean
Death Can Wait
Pubblicato il 21/09/2023 da Lorenzo Becciani

Nuovo video online per il gruppo post-hardcore della California del Sud, che dichiara:

 “Death Can Wait is about living in the moment, without judgement or fear of circumstance. Taking each day as it comes, and not banking to hard on the future, as none of us know how much time we truly have in this life. Memento Mori. It’s about being mindful of the gift that life is and not squandering it on frivolous or excessive excitements, distractions, diversions; being focused on our goals, aspirations, passions, and constructive obsessions. Living life as if this day is our last, while being prepared to greet Death, when it arrives, as a friend and natural part of this beautiful life.” 


Being As An Ocean
From USA

Dear G-d...(2012)
How We Both Wondrously Perish (2014)
Being As An Ocean (2015)