Any Given Day
Pubblicato il 20/11/2023 da Lorenzo Becciani

I tedeschi hanno pubblicato online la title track del loro nuovo album e dichiarano:

"Our new album Limitless is infused with a new vibe of positivity and energy that we've honestly never felt before. – like we shook things up but still stayed true to ourselves.  This album really represents a leap into uncharted waters, ditching the formulaic for a sound that is fresh and unbound. It reflects the boundless spirit and heart we've put into every melody and lyric. Limitless is the perfect word for this new adventure – it's what you'll feel in every track and every line we've poured our hearts into for this album. We can't wait for you to hear it.Limitless isn't just the title-track of our new album! This song is like our anthem of self-belief and never giving up. You should always believe in yourself, never let negativity stop you and have the guts to shape your own destiny with determination and courage. It's all about overcoming obstacles, grabbing opportunities, and showing that you've got unlimited potential. This song is basically a celebration of the human spirit kicking butt!”


Pre-order: https://arisingempire.com/limitless




Any Given Day
From Germania

2014 My Longest Way Home
2016 Everlasting
2019 Overpower