Live At The Heavy Water Plant
Pubblicato il 14/06/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

In uscita il nuovo live dei norvegesi.

Così si legge nel comunicato:

"Blackjazz Live At The Heavy Water Plant is a momentous celebration of Shining's iconic album Blackjazz, originally unleashed upon the world in 2010. Widely hailed as a modern classic in the experimental metal genre, Blackjazz shattered boundaries and redefined the sonic landscape, establishing Shining as pioneers of innovation in metal music.

The live album recording was originally available as a live stream for fans in 2020. It has been remixed by Jørgen Munkeby and is now available in HD. The show was recorded live amidst the historic turbines of the Vemork power plant in Norway, a setting that holds profound significance in World history. The Vemork plant, a pivotal site in World War II, symbolizes the resilience of humanity against oppression, echoing the rebellious spirit of Shining's music."

Queste le parole di Jørgen Munkeby:"It’s the freedom rebels against the big evil empire, and puts a perfect backdrop to our industrial music. We all got to be Blackjazz Rebels for a night!”

Order your copy now exclusively at Shining's web store HERE

Listen to the live album or watch the live show HERE


From Norvegia

Where The Ragged People Go (2001)
Sweet Shanghai Devil (2003)
In The Kingdom Of Kitsch You Will Be A Monster (2005)
Grindstone (2007)
Blackjazz (2010)
One One One (2013)
International Blackjazz Society (2015)
Animal (2018)