Infected Rain
Pubblicato il 19/06/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Nuovo video online per gli autori di Time, che saranno al Genova Summer Live a luglio:


Queste le loro parole:

"TIME is not just an album, it's a journey, a testament to our evolution as INFECTED RAIN. Time isn't just a measure; it's an ever-flowing river, a constant reminder of our fleeting moments and enduring legacies. This subject resonates deeply throughout the record, offering to you a chance to reflect on the past, embrace the present, and dream of the future. With TIME, we invite you to experience the phenomena of time with us, in all its haunting beauty and raw power."

Infected Rain
From Moldavia

Asylum - 2011
Embrace Eternity - 2014
86 - 2017
Endorphin - 2019
Ecdysis - 2022
Time - 2024