Blues Pills
Piggyback Ride
Pubblicato il 12/07/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Nuovo singolo estratto dall'atteso Birthday:


"This is my favourite single from the album" states frontwoman Elin Larsson. Guitarist Zack continues "This track is so experimental for us, it went in a lot of unexpected directions, and it's definitely the heaviest track on the new record" "It goes all crazy" agrees Elin "It's really fun, I enjoy the effect on my vocals - I told our producer, 'I really want to sound like a pig can you pitch me down?'" Elin laughs "I'm going to need to have a lot of swag on this song when we do it live this Autumn, it's got a strut to it. Those pigs have real attitude!"



Blues Pills
From Svezia

Blues Pills (2014)
Lady In Gold (2016)
Holy Moly (2020)
Birthday (2024)