Tess Parks
Pubblicato il 25/07/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

La cantautrice di origini canadesi ha pubblicato un nuovo singolo estratto da Pomegranate, il suo prossimo lavoro solista in uscita su Fuzz Records a fine ottobre:



Queste le sue parole:

 “In November 2020, Ruari was in London and I was in Toronto and he sent me the music for 'Koalas'. At this point, we hadn't seen each other in over a year. It would be another year before we saw each other again. I was suffering from severe PTSD at this point in my life, and to be honest, I couldn't bring myself to listen to the song properly until early February. When I finally did - it was one of those moments when you hear a song and you know it’s going to be one of your favourite, most cherished songs for your whole life. It's the most beautiful music I've ever heard. Ruari sending me this song instigated the making of this album - a daily back and forth correspondence where he would send me music and I would sing some words over it and then he would sing other ideas back to me. It was a true lifeline at what felt like the end of the world. I don’t know who I would be without these songs, this song particularly, and waking up everyday looking forward to what he was going to send me next."



Tess Parks
From Canada

Blood Hot 2013
And Those Who Were Seen Dancing 2022