Blues Pills
Bad Choices
Pubblicato il 02/08/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Gli svedesi celebrano l'uscita di ‘Birthday’ col video di ‘Bad Choices’:


Queste le parole di Elin Larsson:

"I think Kribba (Kristoffer Schander) was hung over and we were discussing his bad choices in life.. and that's how it started... Kribba started to then play some bass grooves and our producer started on the piano then I got the hook you know? Bad Choices!  He may have been hungover but he had soulful vibes in that bass groove! Basically, it's a "Do whatever the fuck you want with your life song. People are gonna have an opinions, but you need to say fuck it!"

Blues Pills
From Svezia

Blues Pills (2014)
Lady In Gold (2016)
Holy Moly (2020)
Birthday (2024)