Melted Bodies
Pubblicato il 24/08/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Nuovo singolo online per gli autori di The Inevitable Fork:


Andy Hamm (ex-LOCAL NATIVES) afferma:

"'Bloodlines' toils and tussles with the idea that all of us have unique pre-loaded behaviors, emotions and traits in our bloodlines. The past addictions, traumas, bodily shapes, love, nurture, disease etc. are passed down to us generation after family generation. I find myself longing for an emotional and physical tenderness that my mother held back on at points, paying for mistakes that my father perhaps made, a history of alcoholism and depression on both sides of my family etc. We spend a majority of our lives yearning to fix, understand or struggle with these genetics we never asked for."

Stream "Bloodlines": https://too.fm/meltedbodies-bloodlines

Pre-Order The Inevitable Fork: https://meltedbodies.bandcamp.com/album/the-inevitable-fork-lp