Platonick Dive
Too Beautiful To Die Too Wild To Live
Pubblicato il 30/08/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Manca pochissimo all'uscita di Take A Deep Breath. Questo il nuovo singolo dei livornesi:


"'Too Beautiful To Die Too Wild To Live' is our fourth and final single from the new album 'Take A Deep Breath'. As the title suggests, this song is a real ride. A muscular drum beat, leaning on a rock bass and driven by a dreamy guitar and a massive synth arpeggiator. It's an electro-rock track with a wide-open chorus. Life is a journey, sometimes a real ride. It's up to you knowing when is the time to run hard and fast and knowing when is the right time to stop, taking a breath reflecting on our journey and thinking about this crazy ride called 'life'."


Platonick Dive
From Italia

Therapeutic Portrait (2013)
Overflow (2015)
Social Habits (2018)
Take A Deep Breath (2024)