God Dethroned
The Hanged Man
Pubblicato il 31/08/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Nuovo singolo online per gli olandesi:


“A song which lyrics are based on the 'The Hanged Man' tarot card. Lyrically very simple yet extremely catchy. The reason I decided to use tarot cards as a basis to write lyrics is because I like them and their meanings and it gave me the opportunity to write a different type of lyrics that I hadn't used before. The tarot card of 'The Hanged Man' is about sacrifice. Musically it's a groovy death metal banger with a middle part that shows Dave Meester's skills as a virtuoso on lead guitar. Especially in this song you get the feeling that the death metal version of Dave Murray is present in his utmost glory.” afferma  Henri "The Serpent King" Sattler. 

Qui trovate la recensione di The Judas Paradox:


God Dethroned
From Olanda

The Christhunt (1992)
The Grand Grimoire (1997)
Bloody Blasphemy (1999)
Ravenous (2001)
Into The Lungs Of Hell (2003)
The Lair Of The White Worm (2004)
The Toxic Touch (2006)
Passiondale (2009)
Under the Sign of the Iron Cross (2010)
The World Ablaze (2017)
Illuminati (2020)
The Judas Paradox (2024)