Pubblicato il 12/09/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

In esclusiva su Reykjavik Grapevine è possibile ascoltare il nuovo singolo degli Omaya:


Queste le parole degli islandesi:

“We’ve been busy in the studio with Árni Hjörvar Árnason for the past year, both in Sundlaugin and his studio, working on our upcoming album. Our last release, the Opaque Days EP, came out in early 2020, but our plans for the rest of that year fell through. It took us a couple of years to pick the pieces back up, but after some (amicable) member rotations, we got back into gear in 2022. The new album is a result of new songs we’ve written since then, as well as some older ideas we decided to revisit and develop further. This year is the 10-year anniversary of our first (and only other) full-length album, Coolboy, so it feels good and exciting to drop a second big release at this point. We’ve been testing the new songs out live when we’ve had a chance, and we’ve gotten some great feedback which made us even more eager to get them recorded and released.”

From Islanda

Coolboy (2015)