More Of Nothing
Pubblicato il 16/09/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Nuovo video online per i norvegesi:


Olav Iversen afferma:
“We have worked onward as the 'Toxic Trio' since our latest album Born Demon, and passed even new limits for what this three-piece can achieve. These songs are a result of exploring what the new trio format can do. We just had some fun with it, and fooled around with a lot of different things. Surprisingly, it turned out sounding very consistent. As proven throughout this band's history, we are not afraid to try new things and just let it out there. On the other hand, some might say we are the most traditional metal band around! (laughs) So, I guess everyone will just have to give it a listen and make up their own minds about it.”

From Norvegia

Sahg I (2006)
Sahg II (2008)
Sahg III (2010)
Delusions Of Grandeur (2013)
Memento Mori (2016)
Born Demon (2022)