Never Forget
Pubblicato il 09/10/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Disponibile online il nuovo video degli svedesi:


"After the latest album "We Shall Remain" was released and we have been touring, it became clear to us that we wanted a proper music video for the song 'Never Forget' that is a powerhouse itself. We are celebrating 10 years as a band this year, and we have just started our first own headliner tour that is going better than our expectations - so why not celebrate this with an epic music video in the spirit of ELEINE? We hope our fans enjoy it and feel the empowerment we want to bring with this song!" dichiarano Madeleine Liljestam e Rikard Ekberg.

From Svezia

Eleine - 2015
Until the End - 2018
Dancing In Hell - 2020
We Shall Remain - 2023