Satans Rötter
Pubblicato il 29/11/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Satans Rötter (in inglese The Roots Of Satan…) è il primo singolo estratto dal debut album di Häxkapell:


Queste le parole di Oraklet:

“This is the opening track, and the album begins in darkness and death. The first drone note that initiates the record is heard again at the end of the final track, connecting beginning and end, symbolising the inseparability of life’s light and death’s darkness. Häxkapell embodies both illumination and shadow – but in this track, there is only a faint echo of life’s light, represented by the violins’ response to the abyssal choirs chanting death’s wordless psalm. Life is shattered; I am ground to ashes, scattered across the sky, and reborn as a slave of the abyss. The hammer of evil crushes the sorrow and desperation of the midsection in the relentless chorus. No weakness is tolerated within the grave’s cold, hard grip. Deep within the earth’s soil, roots grow, nourished by blood, death, and decay – Satan’s roots.”