Luna Kills
Pubblicato il 14/01/2025 da Lorenzo Becciani

Nuovo video online per la strepitosa band finlandese guidata da Lotta Ruutiainen, che dichiara:

"LEECH" is a raw depiction of battling depression and thoughts of self harm. Its lyrics portray the denial and avoidance of facing the depths of the illness, even as it spirals out of control. Ultimately it conveys the painful understanding of staying in that place, where fear and self-hatred have entwined so tightly with one's identity that they seem impossible to separate. The song was one of the last few we wrote for the album, and the music came together in a more relaxed and joyful manner than the lyrics might suggest. It’s one of those songs that came together quickly because everyone instantly connected with the melodies and rhythms and had a shared vision for it."


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