I finlandesi hanno siglato un accordo discografico con Reaper Entertainment.
Queste le parole di Tuomas Saukkonen:
"There is no better way to start the year than announcing the contract with Reaper Entertainment while the ink is still wet! We are extremely excited and looking forward to the awesome things and times as a part of "team Reaper". And what an elegant and grand way to pass the torch, when our old partners Stay Heavy Records and Reaper join forces to release a limited edition vinyl from our acoustic stream show in 2021!"
Greg Rothermel di Reaper Entertainment aggiunge:
"This signing is once again the best example of why Flori and I founded REAPER. When we worked at BEFORE THE DAWN's former label almost 15 years ago, we would have never imagined that we would sign the band to our own label some day! I guess some things are just meant to happen. We are ready to achieve great things together and welcome these amazigly talented guys to REAPER!"
Per celebrare l'evento a fine mese uscirà Darkness Unplugged - Live at TBA Suvilahti:
Questo il video di Insomnia: https://youtu.be/TK23_W8leeY