Nel nuovo singolo dei Satan Takes A Holiday appare Dregen (Backyard Babies, The Hellacopters, Michael Monroe):
Questo il commento della band:
"It popped up as an idea (a best scenario wish, really) as we were recording the song Traps! back in 2022. Dregen is one of the few real rockstars to ever come out of Sweden, mainly as a guitar hero, though we picked up on his undeniable vocal chops during our European tour with Backyard Babies a few years ago. We are beyond thrilled to finally have this collaboration in the books!"
Dregen aggiunge:
- "So cool to finally get to collaborate with this power-trio and particularly on THIS powerhouse of a song that is spelled TRAPS! Satan Takes A Holiday has long been a favorite band and they toured with us in Backyard Babies already on the European tour "Nordic Noir 2019". Tight. Sweaty. Swaying. The trio becomes a sharp foursome on TRAPS!"