Heart Of A Coward
Annunciano il nuovo album
Pubblicato il 12/07/2023 da Lorenzo Becciani

Gli inglesi hanno annunciato l'uscita del nuovo album This Place Only Brings Death, fissata per il 22 Settembre su Arising Empire.

Così si legge nel comunicato:

"Heart of a Coward's newest album takes a bold, accessible turn, drawing heavily from metalcore influences as opposed to their previous leanings towards the progressive.
This switch creates an inviting atmosphere for listeners, bridging the gap between band and audience. The album ranges from mellifluous, soft tunes to visceral, hard-hitting tracks, each polished with striking details that add layers of depth and complexity. At its core, the album contemplates the inevitable theme of all comes to an end, a sobering reality explored through their masterful music. This unique blend of accessibility and thematic intensity presents a fresh take on the band's signature style, marking a crucial milestone in their evolving musical journey."

"'This place only brings death is a self-reflective, heavy and aggressive album that explores the harsh realities of modern society." - Kaan Tasan 


Heart Of A Coward
From UK

Hope And Hindrance (2012)
Severance (2013)
Deliverance (2015)
The Disconnect (2019)