Hour Of Penance
I dettagli del nuovo album
Pubblicato il 09/02/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Così gli italiani presentano il loro nuovo album, ‘Devotion’, che uscirà ad aprile su Agonia Records:

"It has been almost five years since Misotheism [last studio album], but we are finally ready to unveil our new opus. "Devotion is our anthem to the futility of war, with no light at the end of the tunnel. The main theme of the album is the misguided devotion which we, the people, give to our leaders, who mercilessly send us to our deaths under the pretense of democracy; while being guided only by imperialist ambitions and greed. The faceless crowd of the artwork stands in worship of these deformed statues of false deities. Musically, the album builds on the 20-year-old, fast-paced trademark style of Hour of Penance, and enhances it with more technicality and catchiness, interspersed with epic landscapes. We cannot wait to share these 10 songs with you all; stay tuned for more news and the release of the first single!"

1. Devotion for Tyranny
2. Parasitic Chain of Command
3. Birthright Abolished
4. Retaliate
5. Breathe the Dust of their Dead
6. The Morality of Warfare
7. Severance
8. The Ravenous Heralds
9. A Desert Called Peace
10. Spiralling into Decline



Hour Of Penance
From Italia

Disturbance (2003)
Pageantry For Martyrs (2005)
The Vile Conception (2008)
Paradogma (2010)
Sedition (2012)
Regicide (2014)