The Oklahoma Kid
Ignoranz feat. Consvmer
Pubblicato il 28/06/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Ecco il nuovo video del gruppo guidato da Tom Brümmer:


Così si legge nel comunicato di Arising Empire:

"Ignoranz' tackles themes of societal disillusionment and the dangers of willful ignorance, delivering a compelling message through a relentless sonic onslaught. Consvmer's fierce contribution enhances the track's intensity, seamlessly blending with The Oklahoma Kid's dynamic sound.

'Ignoranz' is being celebrated by critics as a groundbreaking anthem that challenges and expands the boundaries of the metalcore genre. With this release, The Oklahoma Kid reaffirms their status as a leading force in the music scene, leaving audiences eagerly anticipating their next move."


The Oklahoma Kid
From Germania

Solarray (2019)
Tangerine Tragic (2022)