Pubblicato il 25/07/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Nuovo video online per gli autori di Atalanta Fugiens, che dichiarano:

"In the song 'Corallus' the words of emblem 32 of the alchemical treatise 'Atalanta Fugiens', which was published by the German physician Michael Maier in 1617, come to life",Elena Previdi wrote. “As always, I have composed completely new music to be performed by Camerata Mediolanense for this. Surrounding two recitatives, a short melodic line with an archaic outline is repeated 10 times. A new element is added to each of these, until maximum saturation is reached in the finale. This is what a coral actually does: Although it appears to be a single organism, which in Maier's time was admired in the Sicilian Sea, it actually consists of thousands of living beings that have joined together. Thanks to the cold north wind, their remains are eventually transformed into a wonderful red stone, which was seen as an awe-inspiring representation of the Philosopher's Stone.”
