Filippa Nässil
Debutto solista per la chitarrista delle Thundermother
Pubblicato il 16/08/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Despotz Records pubblicherà ad Ottobre ‘American Diaries’, il debutto solista di Filippa Nässil che conterrà canzoni sia in svedese che in inglese.

Così si legge nel comunicato:

“American Diaries is what it sounds like, her time in Chicago meeting her blues idol “Buddy Guy” and his family, she even got invited to his birthday party turning 86 years old. On “Buddy Guy’s Blues” she plays with his son “Greg Guy”. On “Green Fields Of Napa” she tells the story of getting accidentally high, eating food on a winery, on “Richmond, Virginia” about her favorite food mexican tacos called ‘pastor’, on “San Fransisco” when her boyfriend came to visit and the joy that brought, on “For Rudy”, she sings about her time in Texas, ending up on a night club and the new friends she made there. “Mount Shasta” is her personal favorite, high up in the mountains of north California, missing her love wishing she could share that beauty with him."
