Cult Of The Blind
Pubblicato il 22/08/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Nuovo singolo online per i greci, che annunciano di aver firmato un contratto discografico con Reigning Phoenix Music:

 "We think we can say that INNERWISH went thrashy up to a point here! It's one of our heaviest tracks ever: it features some thrashy riffing and drumming, but it's yet melodic through the vocals and a combination of influences that actually turned out great...at least for us! The lyrics are about the modern society where social media, 'influencers' and the control of media offer a reality far from the actual one. They all create a world where the important has become unimportant and lows of life become number one. As if we were in a cult, deprived of individuality and thought led to destruction."

