The Sentence
Pubblicato il 19/09/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Nuovo video online per il gruppo symphonic deathcore, che dichiara:

“We always try to channel a specific emotion or feeling with each release and this album invokes a feeling of sheer terror. We wanted an air of unease around the songs, playing with tension and really appreciating the power that silence can have. The format of an album gives us the time to build more of a story and experiment dynamically compared to a shorter release. The album allowed us to delve deeper into our more atmospheric and dynamic side. Our second single, ‘The Sentence,’ is a song about a meeting with our leader after performing a ritual to summon him and how he can only help once they have given their life to The Sect. This track was chosen as a single because we wanted to showcase something faster and something without clean vocals. ‘Omen Of Torture’ has a huge chorus, but we wanted to showcase all aspects of what Veiled can be. The video shows Kyle’s introduction to The Sect, everyone’s ritual is unique, and we felt it the right song to showcase his initiation due to the lyrical content. As a collective, we’re proud of how massive the album sounds. The pacing and track placements makes the album ebb and flow, helping to tell a story sonically, even instrumentally, without hearing the vocals you can feel the emotions that each track conveys. The stories we tell in our songs and videos have always been a large part of our songwriting and conceptual process. Even if a song doesn’t have a video, we always tend to write as though it will, having vivid visual imagery that goes along with the music. The album is an extension of this and a huge step up from our previous offerings. We try to keep the listener guessing as to exactly where a song or a story is going to take them. If you’re a fan of heavy music, then we know that we will have at least one song that connects with you. From our terrifyingly heavy songs to slower more anthemic-based songs. If you like extremely heavy music, but also like huge sing-along choruses, the two don’t always have to be mutually exclusive. Join The Sect, you might just be surprised by what you find.”

