Alberta Cross
Devil’s All You Ever Had
Pubblicato il 24/08/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Dylan Leblanc e Tomas Andersson Wij sono ospiti del nuovo singolo degli Alberta Cross:


Petter Stakee parla della collaborazione: "Dylan Leblanc and I have always been in each other's journeys. A mutual respect for each other's songs and sound I suppose. Tomas Andersson Wij has always been one of my favourite artists in Sweden, also his amazing podcast ‘hundåren’ (the tough years as an artist) helped me get through lockdown. 'Devil's All You Ever Had' is probably my fave track from The Thief and the Heartbreaker and this version turned out grand on the upcoming reimagined album, celebrating our first mini album".

Alberta Cross
From USA

Broken Side Of Time (2009)
Songs Of Patience (2012)
Alberta Cross (2015)