Non è dato sapere chi ci sia dietro agli Swollen Teeth, ma di sicuro le loro canzoni hanno catturato l'interesse del produttore Ross Robinson e di Sid Wilson degli Slipknot.
Questa è Family:
Così dichiara Robinson:
“New flowers bloom only once the wilted return to soil. This is our way of saying WELCOME to the world. FAMILY.”
Wilson replica:
“Swollen Teeth, horns down movement. A safe space created to express and shed your feelings, and become a new, better version of yourself for your Family.”
Robinson aggiunge:
“‘Family‘ showcases the incredible empathy these guys possess. Their main concern is to be a place of safety and home for the ones who are or just feel thrown away. ST is a killer band with an amazing reason for ripping sick jams, I love that so much!”