The Inexorable Earth
Pubblicato il 11/06/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Con queste parole Trevor Portz presenta il nuovo video tratto da Depths:

"The Inexorable Earth is ABHORIA in its purest form: relentless, blast-beat driven black metal with some melodic and death metal flourishes. This was the first song specifically written for Depths, and lays out the story that the album follows: Someone who has been locked inside, ignoring the nightmare that their world has become, finally ventures out... and it's even worse than they expected. While it's certainly not a political song, it was definitely influenced by the limitless destruction humans are hellbent on delivering to the planet and their fellow inhabitants. Pay close attention to Ben's scream in the middle, which is insanely long and was done in one breath!"


From USA

Abhoria - 2022
Depths - 2024