Uscirà a ottobre su MNRK Heavy il nuovo album degli Escuela Grind, intitolato “Dreams on Algorithms” e registrato al God City Studio di Salem da Kurt Ballou (Converge):
Questa è Turbolence:
Katerina Economou afferma:
"It will be immediately obvious when you first hear this song that it is a departure for us. We wanted to take a risk with 'Turbulence', and after performing so many live shows over the last year we were ready to compile all that influence. The clean singing may take some people off-guard coming from a grind/hardcore band, but after touring with Napalm Death, we realized we wanted to incorporate that aspect into our music in a similar way. We definitely wanted a grungy, catchy chorus to sing at all of our upcoming festival appearances, and I hope the fans like the song as much as we do."