The Black Dahlia Murder
Mammoth's Hand
Pubblicato il 10/08/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Di seguito il nuovo video animato degli statunitensi, che dichiarano:

"Mammoth’s Hand is partly inspired by a scene from Don Coscarelli’s 1982 swords ‘n’ sorcery epic, The Beastmaster. We usually like to give some idea of what kind of diversity is gonna be on the album with the first two tracks we release, Ryan Knight wrote the music for this, and the slow rhythm made me think of these barbaric warriors riding mammoths out in the snow or that scene from The Beastmaster when the Jun horde takes the village. Mammoth’s Hand is a romp through a fictitious frozen tundra in which a clan of nomadic mammoth riding cannibals conquer villages in a time devoid of technology. The slow groove of this song is a vibe not often implemented by the group but immediately inspired a vision in my mind of a slow moving yet gigantic and powerful beast of antagonistic nature.”



The Black Dahlia Murder
From USA

2003 - Unhallowed
2005 - Miasma
2007 - Nocturnal
2009 - Deflorate
2011 - Ritual
2013 - Everblack
2015 - Abysmal
2017 - Nightbringers
2020 - Verminous
2024 - Servitude