Marilyn Manson
One Assassination Under God – Chapter 1
Pubblicato il 26/09/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Al seguente link è disponibile il pre-orderl del nuovo lavoro in studio del Reverendo, intitolato ‘One Assassination Under God – Chapter 1’:



Marilyn Manson
From USA

1994 - Portrait of an American Family
1995 - Smells Like Children
1996 - Antichrist Superstar
1998 - Mechanical Animals
2000 - Holy Wood
2003 - The Golden Age of Grotesque
2007 - Eat Me, Drink Me
2009 - The High End of Low
2012 - Born Villain
2015 - The Pale Emperor
2017 - Heaven Upside Down
2020 - We Are Chaos