Pubblicato il 14/12/2023 da Lorenzo Becciani

"I norvegesi hanno un nuovo magnifico singolo online.

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Così si legge nel comunicato stampa di Indie Recordings:

"Førnesbrunen was a large, strong, and exceptionally wise horse who owner was tasked to transported the dead from their secluded village and through the mountains to consecrated ground. The road was long and rugged, and Førnesbrunen made many trips. Eventually Førnesbrunen´s master, the village´s last survivor, also fell ill and died by the plague. As such Førnesbrunen embarked on his final journey over the mountains. It was amid the harshest of winters and a terrible storm was raging, but Førnesbrunen stayed true to his cause and managed to find his way. When the horse met his final destination he was met by two men prepared to collect the deceased. They patted Førnesbrunen on the back signaling him to go back to the village, but Førnesbrunen refused to leave. He knew the village was home for nothing except from death, but the men did not understand and sent him off anyway. Soon the men heard terrible neighs from the mountains and realized that something was off. They followed the horse tracks and eventually found the once powerful horse wounded surrendering to death under the weight of all the loss and pain he has seen. However hard they tried Førnesbrunen could not be helped, and soon he followed his master and left this mortal coil."

From Norvegia

Jygri (2002)
Iselilja (2004)
Nord (2021)