Subway To Sally
Annunciano l'uscita di un nuovo album
Pubblicato il 17/09/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

A Dicembre uscirà il nuovo attesissimo album dei tedeschi.


Questo il loro commento su ‘Post Mortem’:

“The world around us is still in flux. The prevailing feeling is that nothing is getting better; on the contrary, it seems to be getting worse. The 'Black Death' is over, but the long-awaited Freedom Day after COVID never came. Instead, one problem seems to replace the next. We are living in times of grand failure. Everything swings between darkness and euphoria. People long for distraction, for forgetting, for celebration and freedom – even if only for a moment. In our music, we address the desires and fears of people, but also their hopes and dreams. In a time when the world seems to be falling apart, we want to be a constant – a voice of authenticity and humanity amidst the turbulence of life.”

Subway To Sally
From Germania

1994 (1994)
MCMXCV (1995)
Foppt Den Dämon! (1996)
Hochzeit (1999)
Herzblut (2001)
Die Rose Im Wasser (2001)
Engelskrieger (2003)
Nord Nord Ost (2005)
Nackt (2006)
Bastard (2007)
Kreuzfeuer (2009)
Schwarz in Schwarz (2011)
Mitgift (2014)
Hey! (2019)
Himmelfahrt (2023)
Post Mortem (2024)
Post Mortem (2024, l