Von Hertzen Brothers
Ascension Day
Pubblicato il 20/09/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Nuovo video online per i finlandesi:



Pre-order In Murmuration: https://linktr.ee/VonHertzenBrothers

Kie von Hertzen afferma: 

“This one was written on a small island in Eastern Finland, right next to the Russian border on a crisp April morning. On the islets around the island, there was a huge cormorant colony and you could see many sea eagles soaring above the island in search of prey. The work-in-progress title for the song was ‘Bruce’ as the whole song is pretty much based on an uplifting riff, simple melody and a chord progression which somehow reminded me of ‘Born in the USA’.  The storyteller has finally come out of the darkest place and is fulfilled with unrestrained compassion, love and gratitude for everything around him. Just being able to walk down the street on an average Monday makes him feel on top of the world as that’s been something unthinkable up until the very moment described in the song.”

Mikko von Hertzen commenta: 

“The shapes and the overall tone of the musical content on this album could be a bit surprising to some of our newer followers, but not to those who have been listening to us from the beginning. Musically speaking, we have proudly carried the cloaks of ‘prog-wizards’ for the last two albums, but what has not been so widely discussed lately is our ability to write good pop choruses and great catchy rock anthems with good vibes. We felt like it was now time to bring forth that side of us once again. The lyrical themes still deal with the everyday struggles of being humans in this f*cked up world, it’s a source that keeps on giving, but we wanted to step out of the forest and into the sunlight to mingle, discuss and celebrate. We live in an age of constant change where everyone is trying to find a secure footing in life, sometimes full of joy and sometimes filled with utter disappointment. Amid all that, the trick is to stay alert and lean to one another. Like starlings in murmuration. After the pandemic, and now as the world has once again opened, we have somehow felt lighter in our everyday lives. We acknowledge the contradiction of course, since the world with its horrors hasn’t changed much… It would have been easy to drown in those doomsday moods, but writing these songs we felt the need to tackle these problems from a more forgiving and positive standpoint.” 

Von Hertzen Brothers
From Finlandia

Experience 2001
Approach 2006
Love Remains The Same 2008
Stars Aligned 2011
Nine Lives 2013
New Day Rising 2015
War Is Over 2017
Red Alert In The Blue Forest 2022