Rave The Reqviem
Zero Solace
Pubblicato il 14/12/2023 da Lorenzo Becciani

Nuovo video online per gli svedesi:


Così si legge nel comunicato stampa di Out Of Line Music:

“Rave The Reqviem has been at the forefront of the industrial metal scene, known for their innovative fusion of heavy guitars, symphonic elements, and electronic beats, melodic hooks, and epic Baroque orchestrations. Experience the transformative power of their music and witness their relentless energy live on the tour in 2024 that not only celebrates the band's new album but also marks a significant milestone in their evolution since the release as a dark and introspective exploration of loss of faith and human resilience, hailed as their most definitive work to date.”



Rave The Reqviem
From Svezia

Rave The Reqviem (2014)
The Gospel Of Nil (2017)
Fvneral [sic] (2018)
Stigmata Itch (2020)