(Dyret) 23 Bud
Pubblicato il 10/08/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

I norvegesi pubblicano un nuovo singolo e annunciano l'uscita di una trilogia:


Così si legge nel comunicato:

Many have harbored a dream of playing in a band. A dream of playing with your friends, standing on a stage together, recording in a studio together, releasing music and to read tributes from a reviewer that got it, that got what you were trying to convey. Many have tried through the years, but few have made it all the way. For Alex, Sverre, Noralf, Kim and Marius, this dream of releasing an album first came true with "Pluto" in April 1992, and the first panegyric review appeared shortly after in the iconic monthly (now defunked) music magazine Puls. There, highlighted in black print on the yellow tinted pages, was an image of the album cover with the headline "The Revelation". The band's symbol and logo, "Dyret"(eng. “The Beast”) among friends, was introduced to the world there and then, radiating from the center of the deep, maroon cover. A milestone, and a decisive moment for a young band who finally got confirmation that what they were doing also had value outside of their close-knit circle.

Fast forward to the summer of 2024 where the vibrations from Resonans still lingers, and yet the time has already come to open the next chapter. When the single "Dyret” 23 bud hits your favourite streaming service on August 9th, it will be the first taste from the bands next album; Dissonans. Another new beginning, but also the closing of another circle. The song itself is a nod back to the young band that released their debut album back in 1992, accompanied by the symbol and logo “Dyret” that were to become their visual alter ego.

However, there are other and more tangible links to the past. When Seigmen played their first ever concert in their hometown of Tønsberg, they shared the stage with a local band called Floodland. The guitarist and vocalist in Floodland, Espen Winther, who would later become a skilled instrument maker and a member of the medieval/folk band Eldrim. Winther is the one that opens “Dyret” 23 bud in a majestic way with his home-made wooden harp called "Gnaal". Another new album already you might ask? The truth is that it has been the plan all along. Seigmen have made the most out of the last four years, during lockdown and a long and involuntary hiatus from concerts and touring. "Resonans" was the first part of what in time will become a trilogy, consisting of; Resonans, Dissonans and Substans. And yes, a third new album is also in the works. Three albums in three years, it seems almost surreal when you take the bands last 25 years of release-history into account. Dissonans will be the second part of the trilogy and is scheduled to be released on October 23rd 2025. Why just then? Because on that day, 30 years before, the major breakthrough album "Metropolis" hit the record stores. The third and last part of the trilogy called "Substans" will follow in 2026 if all goes to plan. Three albums with a common thread running through them, but still three very diverse and different releases.

Resonance - Dissonance – Substance (Resonans – Dissonans – Substans)

"Dyret" 23 bud, is the first taste from "Dissonans". The song’s lyrics consist of twenty-three "rules", twenty-three "rules" from Seigmen of 2024, projected back through time towards the young band that just released their deep and enchanting maroon debut album Pluto in 1992. And to everybody else who needs to hear that you must have faith in yourself, you must believe to make your dreams come true.


From Norvegia

Ameneon 1993
Total 1994
Metropolis 1995
Radiowaves 1997
Enola 2015
Resonans 2024