Pubblicato il 04/09/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Nuovo video online per l'autrice di The Honeymoon Season:



Così si legge nel comunicato:

"WØLFFE's formed her first band Lexy and the Kill when she was a teenager. The band opened for Blondie on the UK Tour in 2013.  Viewed as WØLFFE's cub stage, she has since evolved from Lexy and the Kill to present day WØLFFE; the song writer, producer. WØLFFE has been producing and performing music for film and television for many years and to her credit are the movie theme tracks for Neo Noir film Terminal (Margot Robbie, Simon Pegg) and thriller film Escape Plan 3 (Sylvester Stallone), as well as contributions to Sky TV's series "Riviera"."