Crawl Backwards Out of Heaven
Pubblicato il 15/03/2024 da Lorenzo Becciani

Nuovo visualizer video online per gli americani:


"The visualizer captors the raw, explosive, and forward-thinking intensity of the song, which doesn't let up from the first note. "CURE" is the band's sixth album and it highlights and expands on the forward-thinking sound and guitar-driven style that the band has built its reputation on. Following 2021's self-titled release, "CURE" is a stunning execution of both raw talent and surgical technicality. It's as emotional powerful as it is musically proficient, which is not an easy feat to achieve. Yet ERRA make it look and sound easy. "CURE" is a sonic thrill ride — one that you hope will never end."


From USA

Impulse (2011)
Augment (2013)
Drift (2016)
Neon (2108)
Erra (2021)
Cure (2024)